Find Your Way Around

Thursday, August 20, 2009

the name means everything

In a way this writer is right and in another way she is way off. She says that; “A pro-life person is a vegetarian because eating meat takes away the life of an animal." Yes, some of us are vegetarians (I personally am not but one of my family members is), but God gave us animals such as cows and pigs to help us get some of the nutrients we can't get as easily. Also, animals deserve our care, but they are different than people -- who have immortal souls and conscious thought. The name we really need to change is that of the pro-choicers; the name contradicts what they really do; they give one choice: Abortion. The pro-lifers give so many more choices; I found a (for lack of a better word) picture that shows the opposing sides and their "options"(it's to the right of the post). I’m sorry if you can't read it the copy wasn't very good, and these are only some of the choices pro-life people give woman.

Also, It's unfair to lump a minority of extremists in with all pro-lifers. Abortion itself is violence to the babies and the mothers.

It’s time to stop calling them “pro-life”

August 13, 7:20 PMAnchorage Liberal ExaminerAlexa Dobson

Dr. George Tiller performed late-term abortions for nearly forty years in Wichita, Kansas. During that time, his clinic was bombed (1986), he was shot in both arms by an anti-abortion activist (1993), he was falsely charged and later acquitted of 19 misdemeanors (2009), and finally, he was murdered by another anti-abortion activist (2009). Right-wing talking head Bill O’Reilly mentioned Tiller in at least 28 episodes of “The O’Reilly Factor,” calling the doctor “Tiller the Baby Killer,” alleging that Tiller was a criminal under Kansas law, and declaring that Tiller was hellbound for providing abortions to women who desperately needed them.

David Gunn, a doctor, was murdered by an anti-abortion activist in 1993. His murder inspired the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act, which made it illegal for protesters to prevent women from entering reproductive health clinics. The next abortion provider to die was John Britton, who was murdered in 1994 by Paul Hill, a pastor and anti-abortion fanatic. Hill showed no remorse for his actions, and was executed for his crime. Four years later, Barnett Slepian was shot in his home by an anti-abortion activist. The anti-abortion group Operation Rescue praised the murder and held rallies to encourage more violence and bloodshed.

Wikipedia reports that since 1977, there have been 383 reports of death threats made to abortion providers, 153 assaults, 3 kidnappings, 17 attempted murders, 655 anthrax threats, 41 bombings, 173 arsons, 619 bomb threats, and 1264 incidents of vandalism.

It’s about time we stopped calling anti-abortion terrorists “pro-life.”

A pro-life person is a person who values and protects life. A pro-life person opposes war because war kills innocent civilians. A pro-life person is a vegetarian because eating meat takes away the life of an animal. A pro-life person seeks to reduce the number of abortions in this country not by murdering people, but by encouraging people to use contraception.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Health Care?

Many U.S. citizens are well aware Pres. Obama is trying to get abortion covered by our national health care plan.  I believe abortion isn't taking care of a woman, it's destroying her.   Many times there are medical problems after the abortion such as: 
  • cervical tearing and lacerations from the instruments
  • perforation of the uterus by instruments. This may require major surgery, including hysterectomy. 
  • scarring of the uterine lining by suction tubing, curettes, or other instruments
  • local and systemic infections
  • hemorrhage and shock, especially if the uterine artery is torn
  • anesthesia toxicity from both general or local anesthesia, resulting in possible convulsions, cardiorespiratory arrest, and in extreme cases, death
  • retained tissue, indicated by cramping, heavy bleeding, and infection
  • postabortal syndrome, referring to an enlarged, tender and soft uterus retaining blood clots
  • failure to recognize an ectopic pregnancy; this could lead to the rupture of a fallopian tube, hemorrhage, and resulting infertility or death, if treatment is not provided in time. 
These are just the medical problems.  What about the emotional damage?  With all these things piling up about the side effects of abortion, why would anyone want to have to one or pay for one through our tax dollars?
(all of those bullet points came from a simple online search "side affects of abortion")

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Does being pro-life mean that we should kill abortionists?

Some people today think that to be truly pro-life means that you are willing to go to the extreme and kill the people doing the abortions, when truthfully it's the other way around.
When you are truly pro-life you believe that EVERY life is sacred, not only the mothers' lives, or the children's lives, but also the lives of the people that commit the abortions.  I was reminded of the false, extremist opinion among some people who believe killing abortionists is OK when I read this article in The Associated Press.  Apparently, there is a Rev. Donald Spitz that supports violence against the abortionists. This in my opinion and the opinion of many others that he is NOT doing the right thing.  You can't end murder with murder; it goes against everything.  If you kill a doctor that does abortions, are you really doing any good?  I mean the only thing you're doing is convincing people more and more about the lie that we are a terrorist group just killing off people when really we should be out there saving people (and I don't mean that you have to become a nurse and save them that way, but that would be amazing if you did). Anyway, I just thought I'd let the world know that pro-lifers aren't out to kill the abortionists.  We want them to be saved, too.
"And if he finds it, truly, I say to you, he rejoices over the one more than over the ninety-nine that never went astray." Mt 18:13

Suspect in abortion doctor slaying chastises Operation Rescue
The Associated Press
More News

WICHITA The man charged in the killing of a Kansas abortion provider has sent a letter to the president of Operation Rescue, accusing him of "cowardice" in condemning the shooting while seeking to protect himself.
The letter from Scott Roeder is the latest split in a widening rift between mainstream anti-abortion groups and those that advocate violence against abortion providers. The Associated Press obtained a copy of the letter Friday.
Roeder is charged with first-degree murder and aggravated assault in the May 31 shooting of Dr. George Tiller at his church. Roeder has pleaded not guilty.
Operation Rescue president Troy Newman confirmed that he received the letter Thursday but declined to comment other than calling it "more prattle" from Roeder. Newman said Roeder's letter, the second he has now gotten, was forwarded to a detective.
In the letter, Roeder chided Newman for seeking protection for himself after getting death threats from abortion rights supporters following Tiller's shooting.
(see the rest of the story at :


Hello, everyone!  If you scroll all the way down the page you'll see the beginning of a slideshow I'm working on.
If any of you have some really good, or just random, pro-life pictures it would be really awesome if you guys sent them to me so I can add them to the slideshow.  You may send them to this email:
Thanks so much for your help and for following our movement,
SOLO Teen.

Pro-life Slideshow