Find Your Way Around

Sunday, September 13, 2009

a pro-lifers view on the resent killing

As many of you know there have been many resent killings on both of the side on the war for abortion.
I wish to say this to the people that believe that killing someone is going to help with there side of the cause: It's never going to work. I know I'm being very blunt, but it just doesn't balance out. You can't kill someone and say that your against killing baby's, also you can't kill a human being a say that you are not actually killing someone. In both cases most people agree with me that there is no way on Earth that when you wake up and you think; "Oh i think I'm going to help my cause by killing someone." ABSOLUTELY NOT! That doesn't make any sense at all.
On an article that i was reading this morning about a man, God bless his soul, was protesting out side of a school that was OK with contraception and holding "graphic pictures of the fetus" (Evan though there version of graphic needs to be altered a little) and one woman said this; “This is not something any group on either side of this debate would ever contemplate condoning,” Ms. MacCleery said. She is basically summing up this in tire entire, with just a few simple words.
If you want to know more about whats going on with this killing here an article about it: ,

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